myFM: What snacks can reduce the feeling of fatigue?

by Lianne Phillipson June 16, 2021

healthy snacks for an energy boost

What healthful snacks can reduce the feeling of fatigue?

Who doesn't need a boost every now and again? Whether it’s post workout, or just the middle of the afternoon slump, what can you eat that’s going to give you a healthy surge of energy and get past the fatigue? Here is a quick grab and go list:

First, always hydrate. Drink a big glass of water, just down it. Add in my TAKE THIS by Lianne Kid Boost for a hit of superfoods and a buzz that’s like having a coffee, but with WAY more health benefits. Drink at will. 

  1. Apple and a handful of almonds or spoonful of almond or peanut butter. Adding in the extra fat and the fibre keeps you going for longer. 
  2. Any nuts and seeds (depending on allergies of course) with fresh fruit like banana or pear. 
  3. Berries and granola with either plain yogurt or a splash of plant-based milk
  4. Veggies and any kind [celery, peppers, carrots, zucchini, cucumber] of dip; guacamole, tzatziki, hummus 
  5. In my book Sprout Right Family food these are the most popular snack recipes: 
  • Go Faster Granola Bars (page 231)
  • Chia pudding with berries and maple syrup
  • Mini Blueberry Muffins (page 315) 
  • Carrot spread and crackers
  • Beany green dip and carrots
  • Bite sized Fruit Balls (page 319) 
  • Hit the Road Trail Mix (page 319) 
  • Apple Crumble (pg 226)
  • Organic Rice Crisp Surprise Squares (page 229) 

Extra supplements to get you over the daily slump include:

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