myFM: Survive the holidays: Fom family traditions which usually includes a ton of stress, what if you could do things differently?

by Lianne Phillipson December 20, 2023

myFM: Survive the holidays: Fom family traditions which usually includes a ton of stress, what if you could do things differently?

Navigate the Holidays with Ease: Transform your holiday season from a stressful whirlwind into a rejuvenating experience. Here are some practical strategies for managing those common holiday indulgences:

1. Smart Eating Tactics: Before reaching for sweets and pastries, begin with vegetables. Snacking on a raw carrot or celery stick can slow the absorption of refined carbs, prepping your digestive system. Prioritize protein and healthy fats, as the sequence of your food intake can significantly influence your blood sugar levels.

2. Combating Overindulgence: To address that familiar feeling of overeating, start with a simple glass of water to curb hunger. Choose gluten-free options where possible and consider bringing your own health-conscious dishes to gatherings. Utilizing digestive enzymes can help alleviate discomfort. For dairy, opt for A2 milk products like goat and sheep cheese, which are gentler on the stomach (as detailed in episode 63 of our podcast).

3. Alcohol Choices: Make smart decisions regarding alcohol consumption. If you’re abstaining (as we explored in episode 175), remember there are still plenty of festive options. Eat before drinking, minimize sugary mixers, and support your liver with detoxifying supplements like B complex vitamins, vitamin C, NAC, and Kid boost.

4. Stress Management: Begin your day with a refreshing glass of lemon water and a pinch of Celtic sea salt. Practice deep breathing exercises to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, crucial for stress management. Recall the importance of the vagus nerve in stress regulation, a topic we delved into in episode 86. Incorporate movement into your day, be it a brisk walk or a short yoga session.

As you approach the holiday season, how do you plan to balance the stress, social gatherings, and indulgences? Join us in making this holiday season about thriving and entering the new year feeling revitalized and at your best.


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