myFM: Muscle Cramps

by Lianne Phillipson January 27, 2021

myFM: Muscle Cramps

Listener question - muscle cramps

Michelle: I'd love to know how to help my husband with his severe leg cramps at night. He drinks 3 of the workout bottles a day, but still gets the cramps on and off.

Muscle cramps can happen for a host of reasons, but the main reason is mineral deficiencies. This can be caused from a medication that you’re taking (diuretics, or meds for high blood pressure) as they can deplete minerals. Dehydration is another factor, so not enough water and thinking that the sports drinks will help when it's actually full of sugar. Workouts that make you sweat a lot or working out in hot weather and not balancing your electrolytes can also deplete your minerals. Making sure you have a balanced intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium is a good place to start. 

Eat magnesium-rich foods likegreens, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, whole grains, wheat germ, wheat and oat bran. Potassium-rich foods that are better than a banana include avocado, sweet potato, spinach, butternut squash, beets and drinking coconut water really is your best drink for cramps. Calcium from leafy greens, broccoli, nuts and seeds (especially sesame seeds and tahini or sesame seed paste) are better go-to’s than relying on dairy.

Including supplements of Magnesium Bis-Glycinate, Cell Mins, a liquid mineral and even Spectralyte can really help turn this around.

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