The Ketogenic or Keto Diet

by Lianne Phillipson September 16, 2017

The Ketogenic or Keto Diet

The Ketogenic diet – not to be confused with keto-acidosis, which is a dangerous condition experienced by diabetics, is a complete metabolic shift, switching the body over from using glucose and carbohydrates as an energy source to fats – either stored or from your diet. This metabolic shift that has your body burning fat, from diet or stores, produces molecules known as ketones, which are used for fuel.

So basically, you’re changing the source of energy your body uses. This is essentially a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet. 

The body likes being fuelled by fat. Eating this way can lead to fewer cravings, energy and mood ups and downs, better brain function, hormone balance, some say better sleep and more.

There are certain people who should not be on keto. If you have liver disease, this is not for you. If you are diabetic you need to be under the supervision of a doctor, but keto can really help type 2 diabetics.

The long term effect of the keto diet on obese patients has been studied. It decreases LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and increases good cholesterol (HDL), lowers blood pressure, blood sugar and levels of insulin.

The diet differs from person to person a bit, but generally, for someone on a 2000calorie a day diet, you’d eat 5% carbs so about 100 calories, 15% protein, so 300 calories and 80% fat or 1600 calories. For most that would be the opposite to what they normally eat.

Testing for ketosis can happen with blood, breath or urine. Breath is quite reliable and blood the best. You do need a breath or blood meter to test which varies in cost.

Fats to eat include avocado, coconut oil, eggs, nuts seeds including butters, meat including the skin on chicken and bacon fat, dairy, all oils like avocado, olive, flax, hemp, butter, ghee, duck fat, and drinking butter and MCT oil in your coffee. Low carb veggies like broccoli, kale, asparagus, peppers, cauliflower, celery, greens, mushrooms, zucchini. Fruits of avocado and blueberries are safe.

Eggs, fish, beef, pork, protein powders (specific ones), seafood, lamb, poultry and some plant based proteins are included in your protein choices.

Bone broth is important as are fermented foods. dairy alternatives, 100% dark chocolate (no sugar), stevia, xylitol and erythritol are safe sweeteners. Coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup in moderation as they will count as your carbohydrate intake.

This is a completely different way to eating to what most people eat. Do your homework and reach out for help before you jump on this bandwagon. There are tremendous health benefits, and you need to know some of the challenges as you embark on this.

Check out The Keto Diet by Leanne Vogel for more information, how to’s, meal plans and recipes.

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