myFM: Inspiring Thanksgiving leftovers

by Lianne Phillipson October 13, 2021

myFM: Inspiring Thanksgiving leftovers

The big turkey day has come and gone and what’s left? A pile of bones and meat. But what to do with it all without living off the gobble-gobble for the foreseeable future, or plating up a re-do of Thanksgiving dinner, turning that bounty of a full day of cooking into more meals, means that you get to sit back and reap the rewards of your inner Martha. Freeze some, use some and re-package it in new meals is the way to go. Here are a few inspiring leftover ideas for the turkey and trimmings:

  1. Quesadilla- a fun finger food for the whole family that can become dinner or lunch. Mix diced turkey, corn, adzuki beans, torn spinach and grated cheese mixed between two wraps are a speedy and tasty offering. Add your leftover sides except mash whole or baked sweet potato or squash and add a dash of cinnamon.  
  2. British style pot pie - oozing with gravy and vegetables, this one pot dinner is a huge treat for those who don’t often eat pastry. Use filo pastry or leftover sweet and white potato mashed together for a lighter topping to the usual shortcrust pastry that’s typically higher in fat. 
  3. Open faced turkey sandwich with caramelized onions - our family’s favourite are open faced sandwiches. Smothered in gravy, with all the trimmings on the side, it’s like re-living Thanksgiving, but often tastier. Toast the bread first before spreading a thin layer of butter so the bread doesn’t fall apart on contact with the gravy. Load up with veggies and some freshly steamed broccoli, spoon on the cranberry sauce and away you go. 
  4. Turkey tacos- tacos tickle every kids’ fancy. Torn or finely diced turkey warmed through with tomato sauce and mexican seasoning transforms the leftover bird. Add your usual toppings like salsa, lettuce, tomatoes and hot sauce for the older crowd and that’s one fast and simple dinner. 
  5. Stock and turkey noodle soup - this is the time when a huge stock pot comes in very handy. All those bones, water, an onion, carrots and celery are the base to any stock. Add in leftover herbs from your stuffing for even more taste. Once the stock simmers for about 24 hours, you can either freeze it or turn it into turkey noodle soup. If you end up with lots of soup, freeze some of the finished product and serve up over the winter if the cold and flu season gets the better of you. Add a tablespoon of miso paste to what you’ve kept to eat now, but don’t boil it or you’ll lose some of the great nutrients in this nourishing and tasty addition. 

Knowing that there are more possibilities on the other side of Thanksgiving, might help you face the fridge easier as it’s likely still brimming! Bon Appetit!

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